Reference No: W008017-011118
Under the New York Freedom of Information Law, N. Y. Pub. Off. Law sec. 84 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to obtain or inspect copies of the public records that relate to the appraisal and actual dedication of park lands at 40 N. Third Street (tax map 65.28-1-67) & 50 N. Third Street (tax map 65.28-1-68), as required by "AN ACT to authorize the city of Albany to discontinue the use of certain lands as park lands and to dedicate new park lands" (Senate bill 2342A, Assembly bill 4717A — Passed 2013-07-12 – chap.109) and described therein as follows:
17 § 4. The lands to be acquired and dedicated as parkland are all that 18 tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of 19 Albany, County of Albany, State of New York, more particularly bounded 20 and described as follows: 21 Beginning at a point on the northerly street line of North Third 22 Street distant 173.50 feet westerly from the westerly street line of 23 North Pearl Street; running thence northerly and parallel to the wester- 24 ly street line of North Pearl Street for a distance of 212.00 feet to a 25 point of bend; thence northwesterly with an interior angle of 214 26 degrees, 46 minutes for a distance of 125.38 feet to a point which is 27 105.00 feet westerly from and at right angles to the easterly lot line 28 of the property of William P. Van Rensselaer Estate Corporation, reputed 29 owners; thence easterly with an interior angle of 55 deg. 14 minutes for 30 a distance of 105.00 feet to the said easterly lot line of William P. 31 Van Rensselaer Estate Corporation; thence southerly with an interior 32 angle of 90 deg. along the said easterly lot line and parallel to the 33 westerly street line of North Pearl Street for a distance of 315.00 feet 34 to the northerly street line of North Third Street; thence westerly with 35 an interior angle of 90 deg. along the northerly street line of North 36 Third Street for a distance of 33.50 feet to the point and place of 37 beginning. 38 All that tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in 39 the City of Albany, County of Albany, State of New York, more partic- 40 ularly bounded and described as follows: 41 Beginning at a point in the northerly street line of North Third 42 Street located 173.50 feet westerly along said street line from its 43 intersection with the west line of North Pearl Street, running thence 44 northerly and parallel to the westerly street line of North Pearl Street 45 for a distance of 212.00 feet to a point of bend; thence northwesterly 46 with an interior angle of 214 deg. 46' for a distance of 125.38 feet to 47 a point; thence easterly a distance of 105.00 feet; thence N 24 deg. 29' 48 58" E for a distance of 112.64 feet to the south line of lots fronting 49 on Lawn Avenue; thence N 65 deg. 30' 02" W along the south lines of said 50 lots 260.0 feet to the southwest corner of premises known as 42 Lawn 51 Avenue; thence S 24 deg. 29' 58" W a distance of 427.64 feet to a point 52 on the north line of North Third Street; thence S 65 deg. 53' 38" E 53 along the north line of North Third Street 226.50 feet to the point of 54 beginning. Containing 2.20 acres more or less.
Reference No: W008018-011118
Under the New York Freedom of Information Law, N. Y. Pub. Off. Law sec. 84 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to obtain or inspect copies of the public records that relate to the issuance of the Certif[i]cate of Occupancy for the property known as Eleftheria at 241 South Allen Street, including (but not limited to) the application for the certificate & supporting documents, the Certificate of Occupancy as issued, and the “as built” site plan that applied to the actual construction. The last is the same as described by Albany Planning Board Chair DeSalvo 7/14/14 when the site plan was approved:
Prior to making an application for a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant will be required to submit to the Building Department an “as built” site plan which depicts all the elements shown on the approved site plan including but not limited to contours, landscaping, building locations, utilities, paved and parking areas, signage, accessory structures and other related physical improvements. [Case Number 5-14, 912]
Reply received 3/6/18
FOIL NO: W008018-011118
Your request is hereby denied for the following reasons: No record(s) exist which responds to your request.
Superceded by Reference No: W009084-061318
Under the New York Freedom of Information Law, N. Y. Pub. Off. Law sec. 84 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to obtain or inspect copies of the public records that relate to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the residential property located at 241-243 S Allen Street owned by ELEFTHERIA PROPERTIES LLC, classified in the 2018 City of Albany Tentative Roll as 411 Apartment, tax map ID 64.74-4-21, including (but not limited to) the application for the certificate & supporting documents, the Certificate of Occupancy as issued, and the “as built” site plan that applied to the actual construction. The last is the same as described by Albany Planning Board Chair DeSalvo 7/14/14 when the site plan was approved:
Prior to making an application for a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant will be required to submit to the Building Department an “as built” site plan which depicts all the elements shown on the approved site plan including but not limited to contours, landscaping, building locations, utilities, paved and parking areas, signage, accessory structures and other related physical improvements. [Case Number 5-14, 912]
Reply received 6/28/18 — multiple documents
Reference No: W008497-030918
Under the New York Freedom of Information Law, N. Y. Pub. Off. Law sec. 84 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to obtain or inspect copies of the public records that relate to the application for and issuance of the Residential Occupancy Permit for the property known as Eleftheria at 241 South Allen Street, which documents are included among those the Commissioner of the Department of Buildings and Regulatory Compliance is obliged to keep permanently as described in the Code, Article IX: Building Construction and Regulation, §133-51: Records and reports, as follows —
"The Commissioner shall keep permanent official records of all transactions and activities conducted by him, including all applications received, permits and certificates issued, fees charged and collected, inspection reports and notices and orders issued. All such records shall be public records open to public inspection during business hours, pursuant to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Law of the State of New York."
Reply received 6/6/18
FOIL NO: W008497-030918
Your request is hereby denied for the following reasons: Records requested cannot reasonably be located based on description.
Reference No: W008019-011118
Under the New York Freedom of Information Law, N. Y. Pub. Off. Law sec. 84 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to obtain or inspect copies of the public records that relate to whatever stormwater management plans are currently in effect at the property known as Eleftheria, 241 South Allen Street, including (but not limited to) the final stormwater management plan and site inspection reports.
Replies received 1/26/18 & 2/8/18 — multiple documents & emails